Saturday, October 31, 2020

Howloween 2020

Hey Tribe,

Raise your hand if you like doing tricks for treats!

This girl is becoming a pretty decent trick dog - something I never imagined she would do.  I put limits on what I thought were her interests and abilities and didn't ever bother to try to go beyond what I assumed about her.  Boy was I wrong.  We almost missed out on a "sweet" new way to bond; stay tuned for a video of Fly doing tricks for treats.  Maybe she'll wear her halloween ballerina outfit, because it's pretty cute, isn't it?!

Love the bandana? It's from Remi & Me and is our new favorite accessory!  Use code FlyRex10 for a discount.

Happy Howloween!

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Top 5 Must Have Items to Bring Hiking/Camping With Your Dog

 Hey Tribe,

Are you the type of person who brings all your earthly possessions on a one hour hike or the person who just wings it and hits the trail for two days with not even a care?  Somewhere there is a middle ground and finding a balance of bringing what you need with what you may or may not need can be tricky - the future is unpredictable.

To that end, here are Fly and Rex's top 5 must-have items to bring hiking and/or camping with your dog.


Snacks and hiking are synonymous aren't they?  Pack dog shacks that are non-greasy (to keep your pockets and hands a bit cleaner) and that won't crumble if they get a little smushed in your pocket or bag.  I like Zuke's dog treats because they're easy to carry and I can quickly pop one into a dog's mouth when they come running back to me.

Fly loves her Zuke's snacks!


Just the simple cloth rectangle style booties with elastic velcro at the top are small and light to pack and sure come in handy when tender paws need some protection.  Blisters on paws can crop up just as unexpectedly as they do on our own feet; a cut pad will benefit from a bootie until you can get back home or to the vet.  Just make sure you've trained your dog to accept and wear booties before you need them.  I use these booties and keep complete sets in my pack, my truck, and near the door.

Fly needed booties when she developed blisters mid-hike


Unfortunately, water is quite possibly the heaviest substance on Earth when I put it in my pack, but it is such a necessary, and often overlooked, item to bring on any trip.  Dogs drink an unbelievable amount of water when they're out running around; don't count on there being a stream or other source of water for your dog - streams sometimes run dry.  Your dog should never run dry, so pack an extra bottle of water specifically for your pooch.  A folding or collapsible bowl, I use this one, will save you from using your hand as a makeshift dish; the bowl doesn't have to be large, dogs don't really need a big thing, just enough to get their tongue into.  You can conserve water by pouring the extra back into your dog's dedicated water bottle.

A Leash!

It seems like a no-brainer, but I've met several folks out on hikes who didn't have a leash for their dog.  Be a considerate and responsible dog owner and have a short leash, I like slip leads like this one, to quickly control your dog whenever you pass a fellow hiker.  Your dog may be friendly, but maybe theirs isn't, or maybe the other hiker is allergic to dogs.  Having an easy to use leash readily available will help make your adventure more enjoyable.

A Blankie!

Camping in an unfamiliar place can be unsettling and difficult to drift off to sleep.  A small blankie or pillow from home that your dog is familiar with can help your dog settle in quickly at the camping spot: it will help signal that this is where you will sleep and that it is safe.  I purposely keep a pillow or this small blanket on my dogs' bed at home so I can grab it when we travel places.  Sleep well my friends!

That's it!  Our top 5 must have items to bring on your next hiking or camping trip with your dog.  Simple items, but very worth packing and bringing along with you, no matter your packing style.

Of course, after your adventure hike or camping experience, don't forget to hit up Jax & Moonie to get a #beenthere Bark Mark to memorialize the trip!  Use the code REX15 for a 15% discount.

I've included links to products I have personally purchased and regularly use - if you shop using my links, I may get a small commission at no cost to you, so thank you!

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