Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Winter is Here

Hey Tribe,

Winter finally arrived to our slice of The Last Frontier.  One day it was golden and crisp with fallen leaves and the next day, poof, 6” of soft white snow blanketed everything.

On Saturday, the KBDs and I happened to be out with the SAR team training when pitifully small and crusty flakes of snow meagerly began tumbling to the ground.  An hour after it began, someone looked about and remarked (to nobody in particular), “Hey, it’s snowing,” but nobody gave it much thought, because to label it “snowing” was rather generous.  However, the sky persisted and, as they say, practice makes perfect – by late afternoon it truly was snowing perfectly formed flakes that clung to the dogs’ backs as they worked their searches.  Then, evening fell and so did globs of snow and we found ourselves joyfully clearing several inches of the stuff off our vehicles as we packed up our training gear. 

With an entire Sunday free from responsibilities, we made the most of it and took the dogs down the road to an abandoned stretch of marsh road so they could romp and play – and boy did they ever!

It was such a pleasure to watch Rex experience his first snow day: his puppy body exuded happiness as he bounced, rolled, and dashed through the new powder.

The marsh doesn’t completely freeze during the winter and it hasn’t been cold enough for it to freeze much at all, so there was open water for the dogs to drink.  Swimming was also on Fly and Rex’s agenda, apparently, because both dogs purposely waded into the open water on separate occasions, much to my surprise.

Icy fur and snow packed feet didn’t slow them down all day.  It is doubtful that they even felt the biting cold, though my hands certainly did.

If this is any indication of how winter is going to be, we have wonderful adventures and a bounty of exploration experiences ahead of us.  I can’t wait!

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