Thursday, July 19, 2018

Second KBD Meet-up

Hi there!

Yesterday evening was the second meet-up for Alaskan KBDs.  Therealnimhstagram wanted to have another, so I did some advertising on social media and chose a date and time and Therealnimhstagram chose the location: another Anchorage dog park with a lake that I had never been to.  The weather was warm, bordering on hot, and it was an excellent day for an after work walk around a lake.

Can you tell them apart?  Fly is up front on the left side.

We met at the trailhead, like last time, and were joined by another owner and her two dogs.  There was a fourth human with a pup, but they didn’t wait for us at the trailhead and we never did meet up with them.  Bummer.  Maybe next time.

The old lady, Baloo, is eager for a treat.

Nimh tells Tuli, the only male, to come sit for the photo.  Fly wore her bandana, of course.

Our four KBDs sniffed around together on leashes and then we set them free to roam as we walked the trail around the lake.  It amazes me that the dogs will form a pack so quickly and easily.  Fly and the other KBDs looked like a force not to be reckoned with as they trotted down the path like the owned the place.  Other dogs would come and do and occasionally we would have to recall our pack, but they stuck with us and in their pack for the most part.

Squad goals: met
Fly is second from the front.

Fly especially enjoyed Tuli’s company and the two of them were fun to watch as they play fought: I commented it was a bit like watching an old silent film, because they’re black and white and fought so soundlessly.

Two peas in a pod.

Swimming isn’t exactly a KBD forte, but our fearless pups ventured into the water and Baloo retrieved a thrown stick a few times for our entertainment, while the others watched from the shallows.

It was an excellent way to spend an Alaskan summer evening and I am looking forward to another meet-up in the fall.

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